Published Independent Research
The SitWalking System™ Based Research
Peripheral Artery Disease
Scientific Study Report
Nov. 19, 2020
The SitWalking System™ Studies Published In Peer-Reviewed Journals.
1. Currie, L.L. and Hundley, J.D.: Dynamic Vascular Sonography: A Novel Technique. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Vol. 26, pp 130-136, May 2010.
In this article, it was demonstrated satisfactorily that dynamic peripheral vascular ultrasound can be performed. Engaging the SitWalking™ System (Effortless Exercise™ & the SitWalking™ device) provided an unusual opportunity to obtain ultrasound results while subjects were actively engaged in an exercise regimine. In doing so, data showing increases of venous blood flow velocity in the femoral vein by 300% and in the femoral artery of about 40% in systole and 900% in diastole while treadling were reported.
2. Hope, W.W. et al: Dynamic Ultrasound and Treadling: Novel Approaches to Assess and Improve Lower Extremity Circulation. The American Surgeon: Vol. 77, No. 8, pp. 1092-1094, August 2011.
The initial results were corroborated by Dr. Hope, who performed independent studies showing similar results. He then combined the data to improve the statistical value of the findings. In addition, he discussed the likely benefits of treadling on an ultra-low-resistance device.